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Category: My LaTEENa

An Open Letter to My New Teen Driver

New Teenage Driver
Our new teen driver

My Dearest Faelan,

Felicidades on passing your driver’s test and getting your driver’s license! This is a milestone for any teen. It’s a right of passage. A step across to the other side of maturity. It’s new found freedom and mobility.

I must admit that one year ago when you received your driver’s permit, I was pretty much freaked out about you learning to drive. But I received some really sound advice from another mom who had been through this with both her children. That sage advice, “let her drive… all the time”.  As terrifying as that prospect was, I did it. I tried not be judgy or outwardly nervous, although I know you probably noticed me pressing my “pretend brake” with my foot on more than one occasion.  Through it all, you soldiered on…always excited to get opportunities to drive. You accepted corrections with grace but sometimes with the occasional, “yes, I know Momma!”

You’ve come a long way and I love your confidence. I know you were nervous about the parallel parking portion of the test, but the look on your face when you nailed it, was priceless! And, while it’s such an exciting time, know that driving is a privilege and something to be taken seriously. Know that the vehicle you are driving has power. It has the ability to hurt others or damage property. Treat it with the respect it deserves. Most of all, enjoy this milestone and don’t forget the following:

  1. adjust your seat, mirrors & radio station before you leave the driveway;
  2. check the gas gauge to ensure you can get where you’ve gotta go;
  3. do not text while driving;
  4. car insurance for teens is pricey, don’t do anything to increase our premiums; and
  5. keep the radio to a reasonable volume.

Love, Momma

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